Activities & Therapies
Esker Lodge has an extensive social care programme catering for residents’ varying interests and abilities. The programme includes a range of activities both group and 1 to 1, outings, in-house events, therapeutic programmes such as yoga, chair based exercise and reflexology*, live music, religious services, intergenerational group programmes*, physical exercises groups and walking programmes, provision of daily local and national papers, provision of devices for accessing the internet and messaging services, reminiscence groups, household activities and more.
We also have Netflix, Youtube and smart devices for residents to use for keeping in touch with loved ones at home via Whatsapp and other messaging services.
We have daily specialised therapeutic programmes such as Namaste, Sonas and Imagination Gym and Care Pals.
*These activities are subject to public health guidelines.
Being creative is proven to have therapeutic benefits. Residents enjoy working with colour and different mediums. Priority is given to the process as this is more important than a pre-conceived outcome. Art provides a tactile, sensory experience and of course a sense of satisfaction when someone tangible is produced.
We maintain links with local schools and colleges to offer Students and Children opportunities to come and meet Residents and undertake various programs. The exchange of information and knowledge is mutually beneficial. Some wonderful activities have included Colouring competitions, musical performances, crafts exchanges and online programs.
The benefits of Fresh Air are proven. Organizing Garden Parties and BBQ’s are a great way to entice Residents to enjoy social time outdoors. Spontaneous BBQ’s are also organized using portable BBQ’s to make the most of good weather and maximize opportunities for Residents to be outdoors. We enjoy organizing family days and occasions outdoors in our Garden, Yard and Balconies.
Weekly Mass is provided in our Oratory. Residents who stay in their rooms receive personal visits accompanied by staff members. Regular Rosary groups take place weekly. Mass can be steamed online or is made available on TV as alternative options. Church services may also be streamed online and Services are organized in house regularly. Ecumenical services also take part during the year where Residents of all faiths are welcome to attend.
Manicures, foot spas, Hair care, Hot towel shaves are all provided by our Activity and Care teams for Men and Ladies. Reflexology treatments are provided on a 1 to 1 basis for Residents to really relax and be pampered. Pampering days are also organized with relaxing music, sensory oils and low lighting all providing a sense of calm and total relaxation